Sample Intern Cases
Marketing Function in FMCG v.s. Manufacturing
Linda Zhou
Publication Date: 21/10/2018
Format: Multiple Choices
Industries or Functions: FMCG, Marketing
Target: level II
Many young people most like to work in the fast-moving consumer goods(FMCG)industry, than in manufacturing industry, because FMCG industry provides more career opportunity every year to the fresh graduate, and is much closer to young people’s lives. Though both industries have marketing functions. Now you want to apply a marketing job. Do you think what is the biggest difference between the marketing functions of the two industries ?
The FMCG industry is very dependent on branding. Therefore, it pays more attentions to differentiating brands compared to manufacturing industry.
Individual consumers are the major targets of the FMCG industry, whereas manufacturing industry more targets on professional clients.
In the FMCG industry, Individual consumers’ behaviors and attitudes are much easier to be guided and influenced, therefore the market demand is unstable and risky. The manufacturing industry is relatively stable in customer royalty.
The employment in FMCG industry is very unstable. Turnover is high due to a high pressure of competition.
Marketing position in the manufacturing industry contains relatively less pressure, because the product life cycle is relatively longer.
Issue: Difference between the marketing job between FMCG and manufacturing industry
Reference or Hints: NO
Credits Assigned: 5
Recommended Answer: YES
Price Range: $1 or C$1.3
Turnover analysis
Linda Zhou
Publication Date: 12/12/2018
Format: Subjective Question
Industries or Functions: Human Resources Management
Target: level III
Your company is losing more talents as the new year is approaching,. Recently, four employees resigned. Your boss called for a meeting to discuss the causes of the turnover issue. It is unusual because people left before the end of year, meaning that they won’t get all bonus and commission for the past year. And there were not many new projects or business strategy implemented to cause the brain drain.
You just joined the HR team and your boss assigned you to do the analysis about the issue. Please list three possible reasons of this turnover, and back up your arguments with evidence.
Issue: Reasons for a team's turnover
Reference or Hints: YES
Credits Assigned: 6
Recommended Answer: N/A
Price Range: $1.2/C$1.5
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